So you dropped a chunk of change (and time) on the pre-license course. You paid for all the startup dues to get going in the business. You’re not done yet, but your wallet is crying for mercy. How do you get all the resources you need without having to sell a kidney? Here are some recommendations.
Cards – Price around, business cards can be had for as low as 9.99 for 500. You don’t need gold foil and gimmicky cards, just get a card that has your contact information. Splurge when you have it to spare.
Computer hardware – First, use what you have. Do you have a tablet? You can do much of your business with just a tablet. If you want to shop for a computer, look at refurbished computers, or even new chromebooks. Deals are out there, just keep your eye peeled.
Computer software – Look to the open source software community to save the day. Do you need a photo editing program, look at GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program). Do you need a spreadsheet or word processor, look to LibreOffice to handle all the processes that the big names charge hundreds for. Email, calendar, document storage? Look to the Google Suite of products, included with any Gmail account.
Leads – Again, use what you have. Until you have called (and spoken with) everyone in your phone, you shouldn’t even worry about outside leads. The people in your phone know you and (presumably) like you. They want to see you succeed, so start your lead generation there.
With just a little effort to learn new systems, you can rocket into your career for next to nothing.